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alternative story forms

This infographic was published in an issue of our magazine dedicated entirely to an in-depth investigation of school safety. Through this spread, I aimed to deliver a powerful message that increased awareness and encouraged change. I chose this format to increase readership and to create a collection of some of the most disturbing facts about violence in schools revealed by public records. The spread was awarded 4th Place nationally for Best Infographic from NSPA at the fall 2015 JEA journalism conference, as well as 1st Place All-Colorado for Alternative Coverage Treatment from CHSPA in 2015.

published January 2015


My team's feature on feminism was accompanied by a display of the countries with the highest and lowest gender equality ranking, showing how the US sized up internationally.

published April 2015


For a story about the new choir teacher and how she was reviving the program, I created these graphics of celebrities that were high school singers with details about their experience in choir to draw the reader's eye.

published March 2014


This fun two-page spread all about the science of emojis includes translations of emoji-speak, the best and worst of emojis, statistics, fun facts, and the favorites within my school. I thought the topic would be interesting to high school students, and even other, older community members who read the magazine might find the spread infromative.

published February 2016


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